European Directive 2020/2184

European Directive 2020/2184 aims to introduce standards for the protection of human health from the adverse effects of contamination of water intended for human consumption, ensuring its "wholesomeness and cleanliness."

The new rules, which repeal Directive 98/83, are in force since January 12, 2021, and must be transposed by January 12, 2023 (some aspects by January 12, 2026).

They make substantial changes from Directive 98/83/EC, which has been the European-wide reference on drinking water quality for more than two decades.

The main areas being revised include:

- new list of parameters;

- implementation of a risk analysis approach;

- assessment of indoor water supply in buildings;

- improving access to water;

- the regulation of the type of information to be provided to consumers;

- the homogenization of different national approval systems for materials in contact with water intended for human consumption.


Thus, specific laboratory tests are planned and in particular on:

Aloacetic acids (HAAs)

Bisphenol (A)

Somatic coliphages




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